WIKI - Rapidi Documentation integrated into MyRapidi

By Beate Thomsen, Co-founder & Product Design - April 12, 2023

The wiki documentation for MyRapidi is now part of the Rapidi integration platform. You can find it via the question mark icon (?) under each page or at the top right menu. It includes an integrated search function that lets you search the entire wiki and pages. The wiki is accessible via

In this blog post, we will give you an overview of where to find the wiki and how to use it.

Where to find the Wiki & Overview

You can access the wiki via the link when you are not logged in. 


image: Wiki Home Page (Public)

When you log into MyRapidi. You just click the help icon at the top right of the page (as illustrated in the image below).

overview rapidi wiki documentation home page

image: Link to Wiki from the top left navigation inside MyRapidi

This will take you to the Welcome page of the Wiki. The home page of the wiki is illustrated below. 

overview rapidi wiki documentation home page when logged in

image: Wiki Home Page (when logged in)

Below are some key elements of the home page, which should help you to find the information you are looking for:

1. Search:

To find what you are looking for quickly we encourage you to use the search functionality which dynamically updates the results relevant to the search query.

2. Short-cuts:

As the structure of the wiki is kept without any hierarchy we have for your convenience added some shortcuts at the top of the page: Getting Started, Documentation, Standard Integrations, How-To's and REST API. Please note they don't function as menu items, but only as a shortcut to get to the main page of each area.

3. Support:

Contact Support directly via "Get Support" or "Submit a support case" accessible at the bottom of the page.

4. Product Updates:

Visit the product updates blog via the link in the top right menu, to learn about new features and functionality updates.


In the following, I will give you a quick run-through of the content within each Shortcut.

We have overall kept the same flat structure as before, meaning there is no menu and hierarchy. However, to get to pages that are often visited and used we have created so shortcuts visible at the top of the page.

Getting Started

Under Getting Started we have organised it in a sequence on how we recommended how to get started with the setup of your Rapidi integration service once you have become a Rapidi customer.


image: a screenshot of content under the Getting Started area


Under Documentation, we have listed the main areas inside the application you are going to work with.


image: a screenshot of content under the Documentation area

Standard Integrations

Under Standard Integrations we have listed our current standard integrations, where you can find more details under each one on how to set up the specific integration.


image: a screenshot of content under the Standard Integrations area


The How-To's are collections of often searched queries or scenarios, that explains the scenario step by step.


image: a screenshot of content under the Standard Integrations area


Finally, we have the REST API as a shortcut - where you have the documentation gathered in one place, as seen in the image above.


image: a snapshot of content under the REST API area

Search across all pages

The Search function is dynamic - meaning when you start typing a search term it automatically proposes some articles with the relevant search term.

This should help you to find the article you are looking for.


image: a snapshot of  Search when starting to type a search term

Page-specific Help

It will still be possible to go to the wiki via each page inside the MyRapidi application, for example, as illustrated in the image below you can go to the wiki from within the Transfers page. Clicking the wiki help icon at the top of the page will take you to a general description of the Transfers. Clicking the wiki help icon in the "General" section will take you to a description concerning this specific area or topic. This should help you find the right information depending on what you are working on MyRapidi.


image: Wiki - help access from within each page of the MyRapidi App (Transfers)

This concludes the short overview of the Wiki. We hope you find it useful, as always please don't hesitate to contact us if you have suggestions, ideas and improvements.

About the author

Beate Thomsen, Co-founder & Product Design

Picture of
As Co-Founder of the Rapidi Data Integration platform, Beate has spent over 2 decades on its development, building it around her motto: 'keep it simple, functional yet beautiful.' She holds a Master Degree in IT, Management and Communication and always sees herself as neverending business development entrepreneur with the passion for helping businesses transform, grow and streamline their business operations through Rapidi.