How to integrate Hubspot with MS Dynamics 365 Business Central

By Beate Thomsen, Co-founder & Product Design - July 30, 2024

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Rapidi's HubSpot and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central integration provides a seamless solution for businesses seeking to combine advanced CRM capabilities with a top-tier ERP system.

Hubspot with Dynamics 365 Business Central integration: Sync Customer Data with ERP

This robust two-way integration enables optimal collaboration between sales and marketing and the finance team. It offers real-time data synchronisation and significantly reduces time and resources expended.

Enjoy the ease and efficiency of aligning all your critical information across platforms with the HubSpot and Dynamics 365 Business Central integration.

Benefits of Integrating HubSpot with Dynamics 365 Business Central

  • Unified Customer View: Integrate marketing, sales, and financial data seamlessly to get a comprehensive 360-degree view of your customers.
  • Improved Data Accuracy: Reduce data entry errors and inconsistencies by maintaining a single source of truth across systems.
  • Improved Sales Efficiency: By integrating HubSpot with Dynamics 365 Business Central, sales teams gain direct access to critical financial information, including invoice status and payment history. This easy access to critical data enables sales professionals to efficiently manage customer relationships and close deals.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Automate essential business processes, such as lead-to-cash or quote-to-cash workflows, eliminating manual tasks and significantly improving operational efficiency.
  • Informed Reporting and Insights: Combine data from both systems to generate comprehensive reports and insights, helping to make informed business decisions.

What Can You Sync Between HubSpot and Microsoft Dynamics?

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You can synchronise various data between Microsoft Dynamics and HubSpot, including:
Customers & Companies

Customer and company data can be synced in real-time between both systems, ensuring consistency and accuracy across platforms.


Transfer contacts from HubSpot to Dynamics by selecting specific contact properties to ensure real-time data synchronization. You can designate either HubSpot or Dynamics as the primary system of record or opt for a bidirectional data sync, which enables seamless transfer and updates of contact information between the two platforms.

Sales Orders & Deals

Seamlessly syncing your HubSpot deals and automatically generating Sales Orders in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. With a consolidated dashboard view, you can quickly assess the status of deals in HubSpot. This integration streamlines reporting between your marketing and sales teams, ensuring a closed-loop process.

Product & Items

Effortlessly synchronize your items from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to your Products in HubSpot.

Product Prices & Item Prices

Effortlessly transfer Item Prices from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to HubSpot with ease.

Posted Sales Invoices & Sales Invoices

Synchronize the posted sales invoices from Dynamics 365 Business Central into Hubspot's custom object for posted sales invoices with ease.

Any other objects? Both standard and custom objects

Apart from the standard setup, you have the flexibility to synchronize additional objects, including Credit Memos, Attachments, (Engagement) Activities, and more. Furthermore, custom objects can also be included in the integration scope, allowing seamless transfer of data between Hubspot and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

A typical scenario showing the power of HubSpot - Business Central Integration

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Unlock the true power of integrating HubSpot with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central by effectively managing the customer journey from a single source of truth. 

Picture this scenario: a lead converts into a contact and eventually a customer in HubSpot, and thanks to the seamless integration by Rapidi, a corresponding customer record and sales order are automatically generated in Business Central. 

Sales orders created in Business Central can also be synced to deals in HubSpot, allowing sales teams to track the status and revenue of orders in HubSpot, providing a comprehensive view of the sales process. 

Additionally, both sales and support teams can leverage HubSpot to access customer purchase history and financial data, leading to improved customer service and quicker issue resolution.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central HubSpot Integration: What to Expect

When it comes to integrating HubSpot with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, there are several key features that you can expect from Rapidi's integration solution. Let's take a look at what these features have to offer:

  1. Data Synchronisation:
    The integration allows for automatic syncing of various types of data, including customer data, contacts, companies, deals, products, prices, and sales activities. This ensures that both systems stay up to date with the latest information.

  2. Bi-Directional Sync:
    The integration enables bi-directional sync, meaning any updates or changes in customer information, sales data, contacts, customers, sales orders, items, item prices, and posted sales invoices will be reflected across both HubSpot and Dynamics 365 Business Central. This ensures data consistency across platforms and provides everyone access to the most accurate information.

  3. Create Sales Orders in Microsoft Dynamics 365:
    With the integration, you can easily create sales orders in Dynamics 365 Business Central directly from your deals in HubSpot. This allows for a seamless sales process without having to switch between platforms.

  4. Custom Field Mappings:
    Rapidi's integration solution offers the flexibility to create custom field mappings or modify existing ones to suit your needs. This ensures your data is organized and aligned according to your unique requirements.

  5. Close the Entire Sales Cycle Loop:
    By leveraging information from HubSpot, such as contact, company, and deal information, you can seamlessly push this data to Dynamics 365 Business Central as customers, contacts, and sales orders. Thanks to the integration, you can also push back sales orders and create posted sales invoices to HubSpot, closing the entire sales cycle loop. This provides both the sales and accounting teams with up-to-date information at all times.

  6. Sales and Financial Alignment:
    The integration allows you to integrate sales orders and invoices from Dynamics 365 Business Central with deals and contacts in HubSpot. This allows for a comprehensive overview of customer interactions and financial transactions, ensuring sales and financial alignment.

  7. Automation:
    The integration solution also offers the ability to automate workflows, such as updating records, triggering notifications, or creating tasks based on changes in either system. This automation enhances efficiency and reduces manual effort, allowing your teams to focus on more important tasks.

Benefits of the Hubspot to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Integration Solution by Rapidi

Here's how you can benefit from Microsoft Dynamics HubSpot Integration

Easy to Use and Deploy

Rapidi's intuitive configuration interface makes the HubSpot Business Central Integration easy to set up. Rapidi's pre-built template provides an excellent starting point for your integration and can be easily extended to meet your integration requirements.

Reduced and Complete Overview of the Sales Cycle

Through the use of the HubSpot Business Central Integration, sales teams get quick access to valuable customer information, no matter where they are and when.

Your team can respond quickly and provide information without any delays. Companies gain a complete view of each prospect's journey, enabling more targeted sales efforts.

Customisable to Your Specific Needs

The HubSpot to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Integration standard integration comes with a ready-to-use template that jumpstarts your integration project.

You can adjust your integration setup to fit your needs, define additional fields, and create new items within the system. The platform's flexible structure, deployment options, and pricing levels allow you to tailor it to your budget, team size, and key performance indicators (KPIs).

Enhanced Customer Service Experience

As you have all the necessary data available in both systems, the HubSpot Business Central Integration gathers extensive valuable data on each client and the customers buying history. Having this knowledge available helps customer service handle each interaction personally, providing personalised solutions and enhancing the customer service experience


The HubSpot Business Central Integration can easily scale up or down based on your current team size, budget, and workload.

Increased Productivity & Operational efficiency

With the HubSpot to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Integration, employees can access nearly any type of data they need, which helps them work more efficiently and reduces downtime spent searching for information.

They can make more, better-informed decisions and have all the tools and insights they need at their disposal, all in one place.

Connect Microsoft Dynamics 365 with HubSpot Using Rapidi iPaaS Data Integration Platform

As one of the top ERP to CRM iPaaS solutions, Rapidi Data Integration Solutions offers an intuitive, no-code solution to connect your CRM and ERP platforms. It largely reduces the time and resources used to keep your systems synchronised by simplifying the data sync between Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and Hubspot. The integration adds to productivity as it ensures your sales and accounting teams are provided with precise, current information to make appropriate and effective decisions.

Focus on optimal performance and expanding your business while Rapidi does all the work of data synchronisation.

In conclusion, integrating HubSpot with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central provides numerous benefits, such as streamlined data synchronization, improved sales and financial alignment, and enhanced automation. With Rapidi's integration solution, you can seamlessly connect these two powerful platforms and unlock the full potential of your customer data.

Get started with Hubspot and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central integration. 

Schedule your demo today! Register for the webinar!


How does the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central HubSpot integration help users?

The integration supports users in having a seamless experience by synchronising data between the two platforms. As a result, the information provided is updated with minimal manual data entry. This integration further fosters better collaboration between the sales and marketing teams.

What are the things to be taken care of before the integration process is set up?

Some of the best practices that can be considered are data mapping, the volume of data to be synced, and any specific customisation requirements. Also, it is necessary to check that both systems are properly configured to undergo the entire process of integration.

What are the actions that can be automated with HubSpot Business Central integration?

The following are some of the types of actions that can be automated with the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and HubSpot Integration:
1) Account Management
2) Synchronisation of contact data
3) Updating sales orders
4) Pushing sales orders and posted sales invoices back to Hubspot.

This helps to streamline the process, thus improving the efficiency of all business operations. Leads captured in your HubSpot account are easily and automatically synced with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central so that your sales team can take action quickly on new deals and opportunities, ensuring a consistent follow-up process on deal activity, for example.

What are all the apps supported in Microsoft Dynamics that can be integrated with HubSpot?

Some examples of the Microsoft Dynamics Apps that can integrate with HubSpot are Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales, Microsoft Dynamics CRM (customer relationship management), Microsoft Dynamics NAV, GP & AX.

About the author

Beate Thomsen, Co-founder & Product Design

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As co-founder of the Rapidi Data Integration platform, Beate has spent over 15 years on its development, building it around her motto: 'keep it simple, functional yet beautiful.'
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